Live Nativity
Wednesday, December 21, Thursday, December 22
Attention: Our Friday, December 23rd event
has been CANCELLED due to frigid weather and possible high winds.
Make this event a special part of your Christmas tradition. Live actors and animals help give young and old a peek into the mystery and joy of Christmas. The event is free, but donations are accepted.
Once you've spent some time with the nativity, come inside for hot chocolate, snacks and cookies.
Attention: Our Friday, December 23rd event
has been CANCELLED due to frigid weather and possible high winds.
Make this event a special part of your Christmas tradition. Live actors and animals help give young and old a peek into the mystery and joy of Christmas. The event is free, but donations are accepted.
Once you've spent some time with the nativity, come inside for hot chocolate, snacks and cookies.
Christmas Eve Candlelit Worship
Join us for candlelit lessons and carols with communion on Christmas Eve at 7 pm.
Christmas Day Worship
Worship with us at 11 am on Christmas morning. Our usual worship will be filled with a bit more music and a bit less sermon. Children are welcome to come to worship in their pajamas.
Cause, you know, it is tough to leave your toys.
Cause, you know, it is tough to leave your toys.