- Worship begins at 11 am. You may find it helpful to arrive about 10 minutes early to settle in and look over the order of worship. It typically lasts about an hour.
- Check the welcome page on our website for personalized directions
- There is parking on both sides of the building, but most people park in the larger lot to the left of the red doors.
- Enter into the big red doors closest to the street for worship.
- There will be someone inside the red doors who will greet you and hand you a bulletin, or order of worship
- Inside your bulletin you'll find the worship order, hymn numbers, prayer concerns, and announcements for what is going in the life of the church.
- If you are a visitor, we'd love for you to let us know you worshiped with us so that we can write a note of welcome. You'll find a contact card in your pew. You won't be added to any big lists and your information won't get sold or given to any other entity.
- What should you wear? You may wear anything you choose. There are those who will be dressed in dresses and suits, others may be in jeans. Each has their own reason for what they choose to wear, and we try to respect one another's choices.
- Where should I sit? Anywhere you like, really. It is ok! You won't be taking anyone's pew. There is even a balcony if you'd rather sort of sit back and watch your first time out.
- Where are the restrooms? The restrooms are towards the porch end of the building. There is a men's and women's room on the same level as the sanctuary. To reach them, you'll need to leave through the door closest to the front of the sanctuary. You'll go out the door to the right and the men's room is on the left. If you keep going and take another right, you'll find the ladies. There are also restrooms down the stairs in the entry area of the sanctuary. Once you get down the stairs, you'll follow the hallway and the men's and women's rooms are at the end. It really is o.k. to get up to use the restroom during worship.
- What do I do with my children during worship? It is your choice!
- Worship with them! Although that can be difficult, studies show that children who worship with their parents are more likely to become lifelong worshipers and involved in the church. There is a special time of worship just for the kids.
- Send them to children's church! After the children's moment, on most Sundays, there are volunteers that will take them to our children's area where they will learn about the scripture for the day and do activities together. When the volunteers are unavailable, they will stay in worship where there will be worship packs designed for younger and older kids that offer activities related to the scripture of the day.
- What should you expect during worship?
- We try to make our bulletin very self-explanatory. We'll be singing, praying, taking communion and listening to and reflecting on the sermon during worship.
- We try to make our bulletin user friendly. There is an asterisk (*) where you should stand, although we don't do a lot of up and down. Prayers we say together are printed in the bulletin.
- Communion occurs weekly and is open to all who believe in Jesus. You don't have to be a member to partake.
- Please let us know what else might be helpful on this page. We want to make each person feel at home.