“In the nineteenth century, knitting was prescribed to women as a cure for nervousness and hysteria. Many new knitters find this sort of hard to believe because, until you get good at it, knitting seems to cause those ailments. The twitch above my right eye will disappear with knitting practice.”
―Stephanie Pearl-McPhee At Knit's End: Meditations for Women Who Knit Too Much I love crafts. But I am not what one would call crafty. I mostly try really hard and have fun with not a lot to show for it after. One of the reasons I love to craft is because it allows me to be creative, and creativity is part of who we all are. You read that right. We all are creative. I know it because I've read my Bible. Genesis 1:27 tells us, "So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." Our God is a creator, making the world from nothing at all. And if we are created in God's image, then we are creators as well. That is part of our nature that needs to be nurtured to feel healthy and whole. But creating isn't for the faint of heart. That is why Stephanie Pearl-McPhee's comments on knitting resonated with me. Art, craft, and music are so good for us, but they are so very challenging and frustrating as we learn and grow in them. And yet, maybe that's why they are so good for us. What is more daunting that trusting in a process you don't yet understand? What is more frightening than knowing that your creation will put you in mind of your own imperfection? What is more shaking than activities that put you in connection with the creative power of God? Yet, what could be more powerfully healing than something that taught you to trust, to be comfortable with your mistakes, connected you with the divine and gave you a nice warm sweater to boot? No matter what you choose, knitting, crocheting, cooking and baking, drawing or coloring, painting or sculpting, writing or playing music, dancing, create for and with your creator. Comments are closed.
AuthorRev. Jana Quisenberry is the minister at Brightwood Christian Church. She's an ordained pastor in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). A graduate of Transylvania University in Lexington, KY and Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis, IN, She now resides in Mt. Lebanon with her husband, two children, and dog, Sookie. Pastor Jana loves the church, science fiction, and coffee. Affiliate Links
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June 2020