We've been playing scrabble at my house. It can get ugly. My husband beat us badly with some crazy words last night. We were, however, being a little loosy goosy with the rules, allowing folks to look up whether what they THOUGHT was a word was actually a word. I learned A LOT of new words last night, a couple of my favorites:
ro: an artificial language intended to be international that rejects all existing words and roots and is based on analysis and classification of ideas dox: to publicly identify or publish private information about (someone) especially as a form of punishment or revenge I love new words (even if I've been beaten badly by them) because language is a powerful tool, and I'm always looking for just the right one. Have you ever been stuck for a word? I find that folks feel that way often in prayer. But the scripture tells us not to worry about that. Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. Romans 8:26 Even though, we know we only need let the Spirit intervene, there seems to be something cathartic about finding just the right word. I'd encourage you, occasionally as part of your spiritual disciplines to read through some prayers. I've been reading E. Lee Phillips' "Prayers for Worship" and "My Heart in My Mouth; Prayers for Our Lives" by Ted Loder. Email me your favorites to share! Comments are closed.
AuthorRev. Jana Quisenberry is the minister at Brightwood Christian Church. She's an ordained pastor in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). A graduate of Transylvania University in Lexington, KY and Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis, IN, She now resides in Mt. Lebanon with her husband, two children, and dog, Sookie. Pastor Jana loves the church, science fiction, and coffee. Affiliate Links
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June 2020